Since very inception libraries have been known as knowledge centres and to enhance the best possible use of these libraries is always been a biggest concern of librarians. Although, librarians are known as vibrant techno–savvy group of professionals, who have been dealing with information management. Even though, emergence of Internet has placed various challenges infront of them and others. Internet has also changed the outlook of the libraries and put them on the way to achieve virtual library concept. However, librarians have already established harmonization with the professional’s objectives and the Internet by experimenting with state of the art technology to facilitate end users.

At present, Internet has become the most important ingredient of library service system. Apart from computerization and building digital libraries Internet has become a medium to convey meanings of libraries in practicalities. Here we would like to discuss few of the points which have been given birth to new streams of librarianship. Following are the few topics which we feel are being taken by the librarians prominently. Here, a brief introduction to these areas are being given and later all these will be discussed duly.
Web 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0: Libraries have always been the front runners to envelop web into their own system. Applications of the web 2.0 in libraries are known as library 2.0.
Web1.0 is linking of various simple web pages and accessed over very minute connectivity through radio link or other channels. In the beginning when libraries started developing their web pages used web1.0 but soon they had jumped into library2.0 to give better feel of library services.
Web2.0 brought better concept of sharing and two way interaction over the internet. In this users' perspective is prominently being taken careof. Blogs, wikis, social networking etc are the points to highlight.
Web3.0 is in visualization and a definition about web3.0 is yet to establish. This generation of Internet will full of artificial intelligence technologies. This would be possible with fully applicability of semantic web. In my opinion Web3.0 can be known as virtual library system.
Web4.0 generation accommodates limitless use of semantic web. Even the thought of web4.0 is not fully developed. Invisible web will not be there in this generation and most importantly, it will show the presence everywhere through various computer and communication technologies, like light computing etc.
Mashup Technology: In simple terms mapping of various contents from other resources at single interface is called Mashup Technology. Since various contents are available over the Internet in different formats, these scattered contents are posing a need to assemble them to give single representation. The objective of the Mashup Technology is quite similar to Portal Technology but Portal Technology is more standardized and framed as compare to Mashup Technology.
ERAMS: E-Resource Access and Management Services (ERAMS) is an important tool to analyse the use and workflows of electronic contents in electronic and digital libraries. After procuring and subscribing e-books and e-journals libraries need to evaluate their usage in the library. ERAMS support the librarians to analyse the usage and also helps for policy makers to plan properly about the subscription and optimum use of the e-resources.
Open Source and Open Access: For libraries both these terms go hand in hand. Open access is excellent idea to serve the society, whereas open sources are the tools giving dynamic ways of managing and executing the vision of open access.
Search Engines: Search engines are dominating the Internet world, presently we are observing a war of search engines over the Internet. Every search engine has its own specialities and qualities, we would try to evaluate most of the renowned search engines as user and will publish series of reports during short span of time.

Federated Search: Federated search is the simultaneous search of various online databases and resources. It is providing the base to search scattered online databases through single interface. Many online databases, portals and search engines are using federated search technique.
Dear friends, we soon will come out with the discussion on above quoted latest areas and various other important as well as informative topics related to our profession. I would like to thank all who have given their suggestions to improve the quality of this blog. If you have any suggestion or wishing to contribute on this blog, please contact at